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Quote for the Day (week, month, lifetime...): On Wasting Time

“Divide your life into 10-minute units and sacrifice as few of them as possible in meaningless activity.”

- Ingvar Kamprad


I just love this quote! (Although I of course prefer 15-minute units… ;-)

I love that it makes living a meaningful and productive life so….well….manageable!

All I have to do is decide - intentionally, on purpose decide — what to do with the next 10 (or 15!) minutes and do that. Repeat.

Even if I “mess up”, it’s only for 10/15 minutes at a time, then I re-decide.

Yet another reason to be using that timer — kind of a wake-up call to decide on the next time period.

“What was I just doing?”

“Is that what I meant to be doing?”

“What do I want to be doing next?”

What do you think? Helpful? Too simple?

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