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The Dissertation Marathon

This is a gem extracted from Chris Guillebeau’s blog, The Art of Nonconformity.

Half-marathons are difficult and worthwhile. Product launches are difficult and worthwhile. Getting to Nepal takes time, but I’m glad to do it. And so on. Note that not each step along the way is enjoyable. The half-marathon, for example, went like this:

Miles 1-3
: cautious, warming up
Miles 4-6
: feeling better
Miles 7-9
: initial onset of fatigue, but also growing confidence that I would finish the race well
Miles 10-12
: this is so hard
Miles 12-13.1
: ommmmmmm one foot in front of the other

I don’t know about you, but I’m hearing “Doing a Dissertation” here. ;-)

What mile are you in? Isn’t it refreshing to know that the harder it feels, the closer you are to Done? 8^)

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Reader Comments (4)

As somebody who has both ran a half marathon and written a dissertation proposal, I completely agree. I did both with little experience and this summer I am starting a Master's course so I will be doing it again. Probably going to run the half marathon again - I wonder if both get easier the second time?

Monday, January 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCarly - UKEssays.com

I suspect that both will be easier to the extent that you learned from the first time how you work, how to stay motivated (or work anyway), how to pace yourself, how to deal with frustrations and disappointments, etc. etc.

These kinds of Big Projects are such valuable ways to learn about ourselves and how to work with ourselves rather than against/in spite of ourselves -- an opportunity not everyone is so aware of!

Good luck with your new course! -- and the half-marathon!

Monday, January 18, 2010 | Registered CommenterDr. Karen Shue

I have been ABD for nearly 2 1/2 years. I found this blog last summer and appreciate the tips and messages. This comparison to a marathon hit me this morning. I know I can do this! I know that I can DO this. Here I go back to editing and adding to my Introduction and Problem.......

Thanks for the Blog.

Sunday, January 31, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteraje_aje

You are so welcome! I'm delighted that you're finding it useful to you --

And that you let me know you're out there and reading -- if there are specific things you'd like to hear about/talk about, let me know and I'll try to target that for you.

If I can help more directly, of course, you can let me know that too ;-)

Deep breath -- keep well-hydrated (with water and whatever else keeps you Flowing ;-) -- you CAN do this!

Monday, February 1, 2010 | Registered CommenterDr. Karen Shue

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