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The UnDissertation Blog

A collection of tips and tools for starting, creating, and finishing your dissertation or other mega-projects.

“What does coaching dissertation completion have to do with an evolving brain?”, you may be thinking.  It’s what I would call “brain-based coaching”. Working on any large important project demands the best from our brain - in how we talk to ourselves, how we approach our tasks, the strategies we use, etc. etc. It’s the perfect place for “no-equipment brain training”. So let’s get started changing your brain for more optimal performance…



Managing Citations: Make it Easy

We had a little discussion recently in our UnDissertation Discussion Group about managing all the references you’ll need to include in your text and reference list.

I can tell you that you so don’t want to use my method from a hundred years ago — pre-personal PCs!! — of having a mountain of colour-coded file cards to be typed in at the last moment. ;-)

One of our Members shared her impressions of EndNote, the citation manager she is using:

I use Endnote - excellent product for someone who thinks s/he may need to change the citing style (push of a button) or will use the same citations often in work. Can also share "libraries". Most university libraries also have automatic download of citations into programs like Endnote. It can be quite a time saver.
Can also print out a listing of articles with notes that you put in "this article has poor design, but really good lit review" - to help with future projects.
Large universities usually have it in the bookstore for ½ of retail price for students. It cost me about $100 in the bookstore and was worth every penny I paid. Or you can get an older version on-line on ebay, etc.

I personally use something called Citation.  It has many of the same features as EndNote ;-).

But if you want to shop around, here is a Wiki  comparison of reference management software. I was intrigued by the Zotero option — a free add-on to the Firefox browser — who knew?

If you have something and it’s working for you, ignore this. If not, browse a little and get yourself reference-organized as fast as you can. The sooner you start and incorporate it into your writing, the less painful the whole citation process will be.


How Microwaves Overcome Writer's Block

This is from a marketing newsletter I receive from Sean at Psychotactics.

It may seem odd to be sharing a marketer’s advice with you, but there are certain similarities in the struggle to get words-that-matter down on the page.

And this article, in particular, spoke to me because so many of those participating in our UnDissertation Discussion Group seem to write quickly and eloquently and well —in their posts. They feel stuck when they sit down to Write Their Dissertation.

So let me share Sean’s advice…

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Carol Dweck speaking on Mindset

I’ve written before about the concept of Mindset as researched by Carol Dweck in her book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”.

I’ve come across a short video of Dr. Dweck herself talking a bit about the idea of the growth mindset and its comparison with a fixed mindset and I thought you might enjoy it. It’s about 4 minutes in length: 

And as a fabulous little summary of fixed vs growth mindsets, here’s a lovely diagram of the two .

(Hint: A Growth mindset is where you want to live from ;-). 


What is The Work of the Dissertation?

Does that seem like a stupid question? It’s obvious that the “real” work of the dissertation is to write an extended academic paper that contributes to the literature in your field, right? I’m not so sure of that. I suspect that, although this is certainly an intended primary outcome of the process, there is much more Work embedded in the process — especially for those for whom the dissertation process is a bit…well, painful. My view of the dissertation (now that it’s a long time over for me and I have the benefit of a wider perspective ;-) is that it’s really a fabulous practice run. A practice run??…

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Staying Positive through Savouring

It can be hard to stay positive and upbeat in the midst of dissertation work.

Yet, being able to stay in a positive place brings all kinds of health, relationship, and productivity benefits.

The monthly Centre for Applied Positive Psychology newsletter brings a nice exercise for savouring. Savouring is one good way — along with gratitude journals and heart coherence and some others — to increase your overall “happiness index”.

So take a read and see which of their suggestions resonates for you today.
(And tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after that….well, you get my drift.)

Savouring Great Moments

It’s that time of year where subtle changes are taking place all around us… the weather is brighter and warmer, friends and family are taking holiday breaks, and it’s the end of exams for students. It marks the start of a new season! So how can you truly make the most of it all?

Savouring enables us to enhance our enjoyment of life. Fred Bryant tells us that positive events in themselves do not make us happy, but the way in which we experience and respond to positive events does. We can savour in three ways: reminiscing or looking back and enjoying an event again in our memories, enjoying the present moment, and anticipation or looking forward to an event.

Below are 10 Top Tips for savouring by Bryant . This season, why don’t you pick the ones that suit you… and truly make the most of that summer holiday!

1. Take a mental photograph of great moments
2. Acknowledge and enjoy your achievements
3. Sharpen your sensory perceptions – focus on one sense at a time
4. Jump up and down, smile and laugh!
5. Make positive comparisons
6. Get absorbed in the moment
7. Cultivate gratitude
8. Remind yourself how fleeting life is and appreciate what you have now
9. Avoid kill-joy thinking
10. Share good feelings with others

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